Apostle Allyssa Narvaez is a 5Fold Ministry Faith Healer. She grew up In The Churches of Christ (Holiness), USA under the leadership Reverend Charles H. Garner and Elder Craig E. Hancock, Zion Chapel Church, Detroit Michigan. She received her baptismal of water emersion at the age of 12 by her pastor Reverend Garner. Her roots in The Churches of Christ Holiness USA anchored her ministry. At the age of 21 she received the baptismal of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues this phenomenon led to her shift in The Cultural Church from Reformation into The Pentecostal Charismatic Church, specifically The Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Bishop Samuel Duncan, The Lansing Church of God and Christ, Lansing Michigan. While up under his leadership she was impregnated with the Anointing of Prophecy. This gift stirred her excitement in the faith as she ventured in business her feet began to travel to The Motor Capitol of The World, Detroit Michigan. God called her on an embarkment and journey to spearhead Develop Staffing in a saturated competitive Market of Engineering Consultants. As her faith began to grow, she grew and emerged as President and CEO of a woman-owed world renown Personal Placement Company.
Her ministry began to take shape and form as she came under the umbrella of The Church of God in Christ Bishop Edward Lucas, Southfield Michigan Faith Tabernacle. She sat under his leadership for ten years. She began to moonlight with The Apostolic Faith under the Leadership of Bishop Charles H. Ellis III (Presiding Bishop, Pentecostal Assemblies of The World. PAW. Inc.) Greater Grace Tabernacle, Detroit Michigan. She can recall meeting with her Pastor Bishop Ellis to ask for a $12,000 loan to accompany a bid for a contract with The Lansing Board of Water and Light. Her now then Pastor, Bishop Charles H. Ellis humbly denied her request in his beautiful half moon shaped office. She recalls as she left him, “I want what he has and the business.” God was birthing a Marketplace Apostle without fear at the young age of 30.
As the Apostolic Mandate engulfed her life and Executive Corporate Business endeavors, she was well on her way to a city which had no foundation and the builder and maker was Jesus Christ. She vowed to build a city like Cain built Enoch, thus after the financial bubble of 2008 affected The Auto Industry with the Bankruptcy of General Motors, Inc., she packed up her belongings and her five fold ministry gift and moved to Houston, Texas to form The Edge Network System of Churches in 2016. Called to the office of Pastor was not far from her history. As she pastored City of Refuge Church, Lansing, Michigan for 3 years prior to her exodus. She understood her call. The Holy Ghost now began to reference her as “The Queen of Television” while in Lansing, Michigan she began to place her ministry on the television networks.” She can recall while traveling people approaching her and saying, “I've seen you on T.V before.” Apostle Narvaez took what she conquered in Corporate America and began to build The Edge Network Christian Television, which can be viewed on over 300 televisions worldwide. Her humble beginnings has resulted in Multiple Publications. She has written 6 books, preached over 1,000 sermons and launch five companies for God’s Kingdom: The Good Samaritan, Kennedy’s Boutique, The Edge Network, Inc. She Pastors The Edge Network Church with multiple campuses called The Healing Rooms. The church is anchored in Houston, Texas with a satellite campus that has touched Boston, Massachusetts. She received a mandate from God to shift the Edge Network Church into a global worship experience in Internet space. She continues to add to her God given vision with the acquisition of television and radio networks. She can be heard on her radio broadcast, Healing Is Still The Children’s Bread as she pioneers Healing by Faith in The Name of Jesus Christ. She has multiple residences through the U.S and seeks to stay a trailblazer for The Kingdom of God.